Tomorrow is the first of the month, so a positive day is expected. This is not the end of the sell off however, in fact it has not even begun!
Seasonally, February is the weakest month of the 6 month bullish period starting from November. In post election years, it is one of the weakest months of the YEAR! Nasdaq stocks are usually the weakest in February.
The SKEW is again on the rise - upto 138 now! I am going to look into what happens when the SKEW clusters for an extended period over 135.
Put/Call ratios have been stuck in overbought conditions for an extended period. The VIX is also beaten down. Yet, both yesterday and today, the VXST traded above VIX intraday. This is a strong sell signal.
Figuring tomorrow would be bullish, I traded out of both the NDX and SPX call spreads.
I bought back the NDX 5140/5150 Feb2s for $3.50. I also traded out of the SPX 2185/2195 calls expiring Friday for a small profit of 30 cents overall.
I am going to look to put both of these spreads on again tomorrow for larger credits as the market should have a positive day tomorrow. That may be a short reprise, however.