Wednesday, December 14, 2016

NDX holds up best, RUT getting hit

Again the RUT was weakest today. The index currently sits right on its five-day moving average. This index needs to lead higher if this rally will continue. Usually, the RUT leads in the second half of December, but with this year's huge rally in November and December it will take a lot of optimism to propel it further.

Today's FOMC meeting was initially met mildly, but Yellen's post meeting news conference that focused on low growth and high interest rates sent the market lower. The market internals showed signs of the weakness with market breadth negative and the number of stocks above their 20 day moving average falling substantially.

The SKEW jumped back to 125 - a moderate reading still. VIX and VXST both rose also, but not substantially.

As this is options expiration week, it should be bullish. So far, it has not been, so the next two days could save this week from negativity.