The SKEW is still marking mid-range and the P/C ratios still dwindle in the bottom of the range. Until these numbers pick up, a sell-off is unlikely.
Volatility did move up today. This is yet to be meaningful, but potentially a bottom in the volatility has been achieved.

The last few days of December - except for Dec 30 - and the first two days of trading in January are generally the most consistently bullish of the year.
I added a small put spread expiring tomorrow on the SPX at 2260/2255 for 40 cents.
I also added a small put spread for Friday at 2245/2235 for 70 cents. These will help offset the cost of moving the 2260/2270 call spread that I have expiring Friday. I tried to move that up and out to January at 2315, while widening the strikes to 15-wide for a large credit. So far that has not been filled.